I dropped off the radar a while back, things just got super crazy for a while. But I'm back, bitches and ready to talk about anything and everything.
To start off what I am sure will be an epic blog for the day....
Twicon is almost here!!!! That's right my lovely and slightly insane readers, Dallas will be visited by 2,500 Twilight fans in 52 days. Chaos the likes of which you've never seen will rain down on Dallas, I'm sure of it. And to kick off the fun, I get to spend extra time with some of my lovely crazy ass women before the chaos beings, expect tons of unexplainable pictures and very random videos; not to mention tweets. Hopefully the tweets will replace the drunk calls and texts, if not, consider yourself loved.
We bought a Wii this weekend as an anniversary gift to each other, and we've spent every spare second playing this damn thing, it's very addictive. And for the record, yes I know we are pathetic buying a game console geared toward kids for grown adults, but when you have 2 children under two you have to find new ways to get drunk at home. I'm kidding, don't go call CPS on us, we only get tipsy....most of the time. But in all seriousness, that damn thing will suck you in and you won't know what the hell happened. It's crack for the those of us that have lives (WoW players anyone?!?!). I have decided that I am going to have Wii parties so that I can laugh at how bad my friends suck at Wii Sports, all the feeling better about how bad I suck. You know the normal girl thing.
In other news, I am thinking that I am going to go back to ripping off Perez Hilton's blog and start posting shit about celebs. He's like a poor man's Gossip Girl, except he's gay and an actual person. Who knew you could become famous by trying to out celebs and making fun of their lives. He's worse than an anorexic geek in high school trying to fit in with the slutty popular girls. Wow...he really is taking his life right out of Gossip Girl. The differences, I won't bag on the celebs (only the stupid shit they do), and I won't try to out every straight guy in Hollywood just because they like to keep up their appearance and jump on couches on national television.
I'll also find random shit to jump on my soapbox about just because I want to bitch or have nothing better to do (which rarely happens in my life). Like, why the hell is everyone fascinated with going green?!?! Seriously, no one is going to change their way of life. It's just a damn fad, just like it was 10 years ago. It's just going to fade out and come back in another 10 years with new and different shit that's just going to make life more effing difficult. But since it's better for the environment we have to shut up and deal with it. Eff that! I'll take the lazy way out and do the shit that's gonna mess up the earth. What do I care? I'm not gonna be around when all this horrible shit is gonna happen. One person isn't going to make a difference, they just say that shit so you feel special when you are doing what they want. It's like when you were little and your parents made you feel like you were the smartest person on earth for using the toliet. You weren't doing anything great for yourself. You had to do more work, while your parents sat there jumping up and down because they didn't have to wipe shit off your ass anymore. What do you gain from that? Nothing! Now instead of someone else wipping your ass you have to do it yourself. Everyone gets so caught up in the hype that they don't look at what's really going on. Does this mean that I don't care about the earth, no I'm not saying that, but what we've been doing has been working great so far, so why eff with a good thing.
Ok, so I have rambled on enough for one night, time to go bug some people that will respond. I have a question before I leave,
if you could see one video or picture of me from my epic Twicon week, what would it be? Leave the answer in the comments.