In my personal life there are a couple big things going on.
First: Precon is less than 2 weeks away!!! I can't believe that in less than 2 weeks I am going to be spending time with some of my favorite people. :D They are meeting up in Austin to kick off the weekend and then they will be traveling down to H-town to visit Katie and me. :D
Second: Jess, Katie, and I are going to Forks, Wa. Yes, you read that right, we will be in Forks at the end of June. Jess and Katie have been asked to be apart of the Webmaster Panel, and I am tagging along for moral support (and because I am so incredibly proud of all they have accomplished in the last moth and a half). If you want to join in on the fun, or just find out what we are doing you can find out all the information by clicking the link below.

Now that I have shared some personal info onto the other stuff.
Kaleb Nation is doing another awesome contest that you all should check out. He is giving away 2, that's right 2, autographed pictures. One signed my Robert Pattinson and one by Taylor Lautner. To find out all the rules and how to enter check out:

So, obviously if you have read this far into my blog then you are a Twilight fan, so you should take some time to stop by Simply Twilight. I promise you will become addicted once you do. haha They have a forum and fan fic section, for those who want to talk with fellow Twilighters and share your fan fic, or if you just want to read some.

Also, stop by Prayers for Pattinson and check them out as well. It was started by 3 amazing women that have the biggest hearts I've ever seen. If prayer is a part of your life, or even if it isn't and you feel that you want to pray for Rob, then check them out. Well, check them out either way really.

I do believe that is all for now. I will update again soon with some more awesome news. But everyone MUST check out those links, you won't regret it. :D
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